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Josh Davis

Investment Manager

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Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago - Warren Buffet

Josh is one of our Investment Managers and joined Dowgate Wealth in August 2022. After graduating from the University of Essex with a BA Hons in History, Josh began his career in the City with Rowan Dartington in 2007 providing support to the business and Investment Managers.

Working alongside an experienced team, Josh began by servicing experienced and sophisticated investors with a focus on derivatives before developing into an Investment Manager servicing a wide range of execution, advisory and discretionary clients.

Whilst at Rowan Dartington he ran the company’s derivative offering, giving sophisticated high net worth investors access to products such as spread bets and CFDs.

His approach to advice and investment management centres around protecting the clients’ assets through diversification and ensuring the portfolios are balanced whilst being run in a proactive and innovative manner.

Josh prides himself on delivering a highly personalised service to clients and strong relative and absolute returns. This, coupled with his honest and open approach to communication, has enabled him to develop and retain a great book of clients.

In his spare time Josh enjoys a round of golf and the great outdoors.

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